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WINTER / SPRING 2023 29 club life wac foundation founder daughter?' My dad was 6-foot-5 with a giant personality and a friend to all. at experience made my day!" Patty was an accomplished badmin- ton player at the WAC and ran the track regularly. She has hosted many parties and celebrations at the Club and contin- ues to enjoy Club events. She is a lover of hats and is oen seen wearing one from her collection around the Club. A Seattle native, Patty enjoyed a 48-year career as a dental hygienist, the last 34 of those years in the office of her brother, T. Michael Doyle, DDS. She retired in 2013 and was an affiliate faculty member at the UW School of Dentistry and a longtime volunteer at Harborview Medical Center. Patty continues to make memories at the Club and is a charter member of the WAC Wine Club and Women of the WAC. Aer battling breast cancer in 2007, Patty returned to the same pool where she learned to swim to help with her recovery. She credits WAC lifeguard Todd Kowalski and former lifeguard Max Reich with helping fuel her success. Between 2008 and 2019 she swam more than 1,900 miles in the WAC pool and continues to swim on a regular basis. When asked what she hopes to see from her donation to the WAC Foun- dation, Patty puts her full trust in the Foundation's direction and hopes the place she holds dear to her heart con- tinues its path of excellence. "To be a Foundation Founder brings me and my family full circle," she says. "e friend- ships made and activities enjoyed are a blessing, and it continues to be a great ride at the WAC." DONATE ONLINE The Washington Athletic Club Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit whose sole mission is to preserve and enhance the WAC Club- house through charitable, tax-deductible donations. Founding Donors each contrib- uted $50,000 or more during the Foundation's initial round of fundrais- ing. Learn more about donor recognition levels and giving options and make your own contribution to the WAC Foundation. "The friendships made, and activities enjoyed are a blessing, and it continues to be a great ride at the WAC." — Patty Doyle WAC Artifact This woolen cap from our earliest days throws back to a time when bellhops carried out any number of member errands around the Club. The very early WAC logo seen here was quickly replaced by a version that looks more like wings and less like a maple leaf. Still, the luxury of the fabric and the beauty of the design give us pause and recall the old phrase, "They don't make 'em like that anymore!" R E V A K E L E L R