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16 | Washington Athletic Club Magazine | NOVEMBER / DECEMBER 2014 T his is the season for giving thanks and celebrating the holidays with family and friends. This is also the season to remember some special people in our WAC family—the team members who make the Washington Athletic Club such a welcoming place and one of the top private clubs in the country. We all have those team members with whom we interact on a regular basis—the ones who greet us in the lobby, train with us in the gym, serve us in the restaurants, lead us on adventures with Club Programs, and take care of our kids. Yet the team members we see on each visit to the Club represent a small percentage of the 375 employees working at the WAC. The vast majority of these people work behind the scenes. This includes the cleaning staff that keeps the very busy Inn at the WAC running smoothly, the kitchen staff that prepares a wide variety of delicious menu items, and the maintenance crew that cares for our physical facility. By and large, many of us take these things for granted. Now is the time to recognize all WAC team members for everything they do to make the Club a 5 Star Platinum Club of America. In this month's bill, you'll see an additional line item of $45 for the Team Member Appreciation Fund. This is our way as members of thanking the hard-working staff for all they do to make this place so special. I can't overstate how appreciative the team is of the contributions you make to the fund. The distribution of your gifts at the annual Team Member Holiday Party makes for a very special and heart-warming event, with stories shared of what these gifts mean. Here is just a sample of team members' thanks: • For me, last year's gift set our holiday budget. It is very nice to know that some extra money will be coming in during this important time of year. As a father of two young children, I can tell you it means a lot. • Every year my family and I use half of my gift for our holiday, and I send the other half back home. We are very grateful for this gift. • My wife and I use a significant portion of it in support of the Air Force Security Forces Foundation, providing support to active duty Air Force Security Forces personnel and their families in financial need. • This gift is our Christmas. Without this gift there would be no dinner or toys for our family. Historically, we have had amazing member participation in support of this fund. I have no doubt that members will once again show their appreciation with at least the suggested donation amount. But don't feel limited by the amount on your statement. Think of all you have enjoyed at the Club this year and add a little extra appreciation. Here's wishing you and yours a very happy holiday season! Team Members By Lynn Dissinger, Chair Human Resource & Benefits Committee Thanking the WAC team 'Tis the season to recognize our wonderful Club staff WAC team members, clockwise from top left: Harry Lubas of the Inn and Accounting; Michelle Van Slack and Erin Danner of Member Services; Eric Floyd from Food & Beverage; Samantha Bear, Constance Dorgan, and Lizza Williamson from the Club Shop and Spa; Cheryl Simmons from Club Programs and Ben Stanton from Catering.