WAC Magazine

November | December 2014

Issue link: http://www.wacmagazine.com/i/404125

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6 | Washington Athletic Club Magazine | NOVEMBER / DECEMBER 2014 { BUZZ } WAC PERSONAL TRAINER ROY COLEMAN JR. shows the Overhead Prayer Lunge, good for stability and overall body strength. 1. Hold a bar (not too heavy) directly above your head with your hands at least 5 inches wider than your shoulders. 2. Step back and lunge all the way down to one knee. 3. Bring your other leg back and kneel on both knees. Finish by stepping forward with the initial leg and lunging back up to starting position. Repeat using your other leg first. Complete three sets of 10–12 repetitions. WAC FRIENDS & FAMILY is coming soon. Introduce new members to our best initiation rates of the year. Contact WAC Member Services at 206.464.3068 or membership@wac.net to put your friends and family on the road to membership. A N N A D E L A P A Z A N N A D E L A P A Z N O V E M B E R / D E C E M B E R | 2 0 1 4 Be sure to like our Facebook page at facebook.com/ thewacseattle. Keep up with the latest events happening throughout the Club. EXERCISE OF THE MONTH LONGTIME WAC Administrative Systems Manager & Executive Assistant Dawn Dorsett retired at the end of October following 22 years at the Club. Dawn served five WAC General Managers/President & CEOs, worked closely with the Board of Governors, and was instrumental in planning and organizing the most important member leader meetings each year. "Dawn will truly be missed," President & CEO Chuck Nelson said. "Her character and class set a great example for all of us, and her commitment and contributions to the WAC and its members have played a large role in the great success of the Club." Before Chuck, Dawn served Jim Johnson, John Teutsch, Jim Wright, and Frank Voogd. Dawn's first day on the job, October 13, 1992, was also former General Manager Frank Voogd's birthday. She recalls a celebration taking place as she was waiting to be introduced. "Life begins when you step out of your comfort zone," Dawn said. "I saw that on a bumper sticker when I was preparing to give my resignation. And I am stepping out of my comfort zone by leaving the WAC." What's the thing she'll miss most: "Handing out the gingerbread houses to the past Chairmen each holiday season." Dawn Dorsett bids adieu IF YOU THOUGHT last year's Jubilee Grand Prize was hot, wait until you see it in black! This year's Jubilee Grand Prize, a brand new 2014 Mercedes-Benz CLA250 in night black, is now parked in the WAC lobby. Want to drive it home? Chance tickets for the grand prize raffle are now on sale. Single chances are $5 each, or you can buy 26 chances for $30 or 52 chances for $50. Contact Club Programs at 206.464.3060 or clubprograms@wac.net. Buy as many chances as you like. Only members may enter. For more on Jubilee 85, set for December 5, see pages 26–30. Just around the corner Drive home a winner

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