Meet member leaders
Meet your member leaders
We'd like to thank the many WAC members who volunteer their time serving on various
committees to ensure the WAC remains the best private city athletic club in the country.
First row: Maria Finlayson, Jennifer Porto
(Chairman), Shoko Biwaki (Secretary); second
row: Lindsay Lundberg, Marilyn Sherron
(Vice Chairwoman); third row: Roger Wylie
(Chairman Elect), Chuck Nelson (President
& CEO), Jason Hamilton (Immediate Past
Chairman); not pictured: Arnie Willig
First Row: Al Forney, Jennifer Porto
(Chairman), Brooke de Boutray, Mike
Shepherd; second row: Michael Droke (1st
vice chair), Laura Inveen (2nd vice chair),
Wayne Milner (Chief Operating Officer), Ali
Ducich; third row: Arnie Willig (chair), Michael
O'Brien (Chief Financial Officer); not pictured:
Brian Hayden, Jennifer Moreland, John
Hoverson, Liz Wilson, Roger Wylie (Chairman
First row: James Williams (1st vice chair),
Carly MacKinnon, Crystal Perkins, Shoko
Biwaki (chair); second row: Jennifer Porto
(Chairman), Roger Wylie (Chairman Elect),
Wayne Milner (Chief Operating Officer); not
pictured: Tod Zickuhr (2nd vice chair), Cam
Schilling, Jennie Wild, Sean Conlon, Jeff
McGinnis, Hayden Harvey, Skip Rowland
special section
leadership committees
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