WAC Magazine

November | December 2014

Issue link: http://www.wacmagazine.com/i/404125

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NOVEMBER / DECEMBER 2014 | Washington Athletic Club Magazine | 5 WAC ® MAGAZINE November / December 2014 Volume 33, Numbers 11 & 12 ISSN 1091-7985 Washington Athletic Club ® 1325 Sixth Ave., Seattle, WA 98101 206.622.7900 / fax 206.464.3058 www.wac.net / magazine@wac.net 206.464.4631 / fax 206.464.1392 Subscription: $36 / Single copies: $3 Published monthly except for combined issues: February/March, June/July, November/December, plus a December holiday issue. Periodicals rate postage paid at Seattle, WA Publisher: Michelle Pinson Editor in Chief/Creative Director: Barbara Schmitt Managing Editor: Darrick Meneken Designer: Kelly Wong Designer: Anna De La Paz Design Intern: Stephen Oh For advertising information: Kirk Tourtillotte Advertising & Marketing Sales Varsity Communications, Inc. p 888.367.6420, ext. 114 • f 888.273.1763 kirk@varsitycommunications.com EXECUTIVE STAFF Chuck Nelson President & Chief Executive Officer cnelson@wac.net Paul Lowber Chief Financial Officer plowber@wac.net Wayne Milner Senior Vice President Athletics, Special Projects & Community Partners wmilner@wac.net Bill Cohen Vice President Operations wcohen@wac.net Michelle Pinson Vice President Membership & Marketing mpinson@wac.net Peter Christian Vice President Food & Beverage pchristian@wac.net Melissa Borders Vice President Club Programs mborders@wac.net Wendall Smith Vice President Human Resources wsmith@wac.net Dawn Dorsett Admin. Systems Manager & Executive Asst. ddorsett@wac.net WASHINGTON ATHLETIC CLUB - Dedicated 1930 - MISSION To enrich the quality of life of our members VISION To be the premier athletic club in America VALUES Leadership, Excellence, Integrity, Service and Sensitivity POSTMASTER Send address changes to: Editor, WAC Magazine, P.O. Box 1709 Seattle, WA 98111-1709 WAC and Washington Athletic Club are registered trademarks of the Washington Athletic Club. Letter from the President & CEO Chuck Nelson, President & Chief Executive Officer / cnelson@wac.net T he Washington Athletic Club has been around for a long time. This great Club opened on December 16, 1930, with a stated purpose of advancing "the amateur athletic and social activities of Seattle and the Pacific Northwest," and we have been doing just that ever since. Think of that: Born in the Depression, we have survived World War II, the halcyon 1950s, the turbulent '60s, Boeing's rise and fall in the '70s, the tech boom and bursting bubble (and dramatic local rise again), and the Great Recession. As the WAC enters its 85th year, it continues to provide what the Seattle–area community needs: a single place to go that makes lives better socially and professionally while also improving your health and well-being. Although the WAC and this historic building have been here for the better part of nine decades, the amenities and programs and offerings have always evolved and improved, changing to meet the needs of the time. The Club continues to change today, and we look forward to even greater things to come for the WAC and its members. There is no better way to begin the Club's 85th year than at Jubilee 85 on December 5. Arguably the WAC's greatest tradition, Jubilee turns the entire Clubhouse into the Club's biggest party of the year. As one unknown philosopher put it: "Anything worth doing is worth doing too much!" Jubilee features hours of spectacular food and beverage, entertainment, and the Crystal Casino, all in the name of celebrating the anniversary of the WAC's opening, the holiday season, and general WAC camaraderie and jollity. Invite your friends, business colleagues, and neighbors—and show them what fun it is to be a WAC member. We're thrilled to say that for the seventh consecutive time the Washington Athletic Club has been honored as a 5 Star Platinum Club of America. Your club is recognized as one of the top five athletic clubs in the country. The honor must be earned every day with superior service, facilities, and strong member participation and support. Congratulations to us all! People meet their future wives and husbands here, they achieve their fitness goals, and they share great wine and meals with friends new and old. Members of the WAC develop relationships that turn into job offers and new careers and family trips to places they would not otherwise have thought of going. Their kids learn how to swim, join their mom and dad at annual parent-child banquets, and have their photo taken with Santa. Great things happen at the WAC. A time-honored institution

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