WAC Magazine

November | December 2014

Issue link: http://www.wacmagazine.com/i/404125

Contents of this Issue


Page 25 of 63

CHEERS By Ali Basye and Darrick Meneken Photography by John Bang JUBILEE: A TOAST TO THE CLUB WE LOVE FEW THINGS SIGNAL THE HOLIDAY SEASON around the WAC as much as Jubilee. Every year, hundreds of members and their guests fill the Clubhouse with formal attire, festive anticipa- tion, and visions of a brand new car dancing in their heads. It's easy to forget that Jubilee celebrates another milestone—the founding of the Club we love. When the doors open on Jubilee this coming December 5, we'll be marking the start of the WAC's 85th year. Join us as we lift a glass to this monumental occasion. >>

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