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{BUZZ} C O U RT E S Y P H O T O S NOV E M B E R / DE C E M B E R | 2 0 1 3 SHEILA WALSH CHARLEEN LUNDBERG Super women racers When it comes to arts and crafts, the kids at WeeWACs are pros. They've been keeping busy preparing for this holiday season with fun finger paintings and exquisite designs. Parents, mark your calendars for WeeWACs' Parents' Night Out from 5:30–10:30 pm on Saturday, November 16. For more information, call WeeWACs at 206.464.3094. W A S H I N G T O N Get your fix online A T H L E T I C C L U B® M A G A Z I N E ® NOVEMB ER / DEC EMB Celebrating WAC's 84th the year DECE MBER t Check out WAC Magazine online at You can view the current issue and our archive. 6, 2013 E R 2 013 Be sure to like our Facebook page at facebook. com/thewacseattle. Keep up with the latest events happening throughout the Club. 6 | Washington Athletic Club Magazine | NOVEMBER / DECEMBER 2013 Exercise of the Month WAC Massage Therapist Megan Loran demonstrates the seated chest-opener. This simple stretch helps keep your pectoral muscles relaxed and allows your shoulders to rest comfortably in proper alignment. A tight chest can be a major cause of posture problems, pulling your shoulders forward and giving you a hunched look, which can lead to muscle imbalances and biomechanical problems. Simply lock your hands behind your head and lean back. Hold for 20 to 30 seconds. Complete two to three times. This is a great stretch to do in your chair at work. L U K E R U TA N FUN WITH ART TRI/CYCLE CLUB MEMBERS Sheila Walsh and Charleen Lundberg have been racing fast and hard. Sheila, 60, raced in the 2013 USA Cycling Masters Road National Championships this past September and made three podium appearances. "The goal is to be a national champion," Sheila says. She hopes her performance inspires other women to compete in athletic pursuits no matter their age and says it's all about commitment. Charleen, 51, also knows that age isn't everything. She started conditioning for Ironman races two years ago and recently placed in the top third in her age category at Ironman Canada. "I used to look at people who finished full Ironman races and think, how did they do that?" Charleen says. "It's a good feeling to get past the finish line."