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{ MEMBER TO MEMBER } Written by Naomi Thalenberg | Photography by Barbara Kinney SPORTS & SOCIALIZING COME TOGETHER AT THE WAC { LINDSEY WILSON & SHAN NICHOLS } Members since 2011 F or Lindsey Wilson and Shan Nichols, their love for athletics drew them to the WAC. Shan and Lindsey met shortly after Lindsey returned to Seattle from playing professional basketball overseas. Later, Shan moved from San Francisco to join Lindsey in Seattle. Within a couple of months, they joined the WAC. While Lindsey signed on as an athletic member to compete on the women's basketball team, Shan, a former college football player, continued his passion for sports through the Club's men's basketball league. "The WAC's been a great outlet to meet new folks," Shan says. "I'm impressed with the people at the Club—I've made so many great friends through the league." Lindsey and Shan are at the Club three to four times a week, shooting hoops, lifting weights, and going to weekly personal training sessions. Lindsey is also one of the founding members of Women of the WAC, a club within the Club that provides social, professional and personal kinships. "Our time at the WAC has grown to be so much more than what we'd expected," Lindsey says. "There are opportunities to do things you otherwise wouldn't get the chance to do." Throughout their time at the Club, their social lives have multiplied. Along the way, they also have brought others into the loop. When longtime friends James and Aimee Kimmel were looking for a new athletic facility, Lindsey and Shan never hesitated. 14 | Washington Athletic Club Magazine | NOVEMBER / DECEMBER 2013