WAC Magazine


Issue link: http://www.wacmagazine.com/i/1439376

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Jubilee 91 recap | Friends & Family | Main Event | Morris Trophy 8 WAC Magazine | wac.net e WAC celebrated its 91st anniversary on Friday, December 3, 2021, and from the get-go it was clear that the Club's most glamorous party was back in a big way! Members and guests dressed to the nines and mingled with champagne before filling multicolored rooms spread around the Clubhouse. Many mem- bers saw each other for the first time in nearly two years, and laughter dried through the air as they reunited over delectable buffet stations and eye-catch- ing desserts. Live music imbued the party with high-octane energy, and the Crystal Casino buzzed to the tunes of Lady Luck. Cheers to all who attended! We hope to see you at Jubilee 92, set for Friday, December 2. Jubilee 91 Friends & Family The Main Event Morris Trophy First Take J O H N B A N G Worth the wait! Jubilee 91 For more photos, see wac.net/jubilee-album.

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