WAC Magazine


Issue link: http://www.wacmagazine.com/i/1439376

Contents of this Issue


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Jump to the printed table of contents . JANUARY / FEBRUARY / MARCH 2022 5 Without resolutions Learn how four WAC members are using small steps to stick with their fitness routines. u feature u departments 32 u columns on the cover First Take Jubilee 91 recap Friends & Family The Main Event Grand Staircase Gallery Morris Trophy Taste WAC Café Wine events Tasting notes Living Fit Simulator Meet the Athlete Cycle smarts Instructor Insights Club Life Life Members WAC Foundation Leadership committees Reciprocal club PostScript Parting shot from Jubilee 91 08 12 18 06 Letters Opening remarks from the Chairman and President & CEO u calendars Events & Tickets Athletic Programs Wellness Programs Spa Treatments 44 52 58 60 WA S H I N G T O N AT H L E T I C C L U B M A G A Z I N E JANUARY / FEBRUARY / MARCH 2022 • Volume 41, Number 1 Cover photo concepted by designer Alaina Buzas. Photography: Emilio Huertas Contents 24 66 12 32 O L I V I A B R E N T E M I L I O H U E R TA S 'I do'… the sequel Follow-up weddings are all the rage, and the WAC is the perfect venue! 40

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