WAC Magazine


Issue link: http://www.wacmagazine.com/i/1439376

Contents of this Issue


Page 51 of 67

Ongoing fitness offerings 52 WAC Magazine | wac.net ATHLETIC Events and fitness at and around the Club Programs X Whatever your fitness goals may be this year, the WAC is here to help you achieve them. e new year is a great time for fresh starts, and as we progress toward what we all hope is a post-COVID world, 2022 brings new meaning to renewal. Whether you're looking to improve your physical, psychological, or emotional wellness, the WAC provides programs, events, facilities, and a team of experts to help you become the best version of yourself. Social connections are what make the WAC special, and the pandemic disrupted our interactions in an unprecedented way. is year looks to provide a great opportunity for our WAC community to reconnect, whether it be through our group fitness classes; team-building using the new 8th Floor simulator; or competing and finding camaraderie on the basketball, Pickleball, and squash courts. Aer nearly two years of social distancing, let's spend 2022 reconnecting! Reconnect with fitness wac.net/fitness Fitness Classes: 206.839.4781 | Aquatics: 206.464.3086 | wac.net/fitness

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