WAC Magazine


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JANUARY / FEBRUARY / MARCH 2022 37 LESTER BROWN MEMBER SINCE 2018 Lester Brown has gained nearly 30 pounds of muscle since he began regular weight-training more than eight years ago. Recently, however, his goals have shied. Last September, Lester became a new father with the birth of his son. "Nowadays, it's more about how to live a long time, how to stay healthy, and how to do the right lis so I don't get hurt," he says. "It's more about long-term sustainability than it is about taking my shirt off at the beach." Lester works for a real estate devel- opment firm that actively encourages employees to exercise regularly and pri- oritize their mental and physical health. He first visited the WAC with co-work- ers and joined shortly thereaer. "e WAC has all the gear, equipment, space, and specific training areas to keep my programming fresh and energetic," he says. Lester also uses the WAC Wellness Center's Body Blueprint service, which has helped him tailor his fitness program to his body composition goals. "I think a lot of people would say that getting to the gym is half the battle when trying to stay in shape," he says. "e WAC has made the 'getting to the gym' part very easy for me." Lester regularly works out in Men's Fitness, training on a five-day workout split that prioritizes different muscle groups each day and allows time for rest and recovery. With a new fitness focus geared toward being healthy for his family—and with the Club here to help him achieve that goal—Lester believes his hard work will continue to pay off and positively influence other aspects of his life. "It almost seems like being disciplined enough to eat right and come to the gym is the hard part," he says. "If I can get the hard stuff done, most of the other things, like parenting, work, and relationships, seem to fall in line." JANUARY / FEBRUARY / MARCH 2022 37 "I think a lot of people would say that getting to the gym is half the battle when trying to stay in shape. The WAC has made the 'getting to the gym' part very easy for me." —LESTER BROWN

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