WAC Magazine


Issue link: http://www.wacmagazine.com/i/1439376

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Page 3 of 67

Meriwether Advisors would like thank HERRERA ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS for the opportunity to represent them in their 15,500 square foot office headquarters lease in downtown Seattle at the Denny Building. Herrera is a team of civil engineers, scientists, landscape architects, and planners integrated across disciplines to deliver complete client solutions. They are a teaching and learning culture and stand as responsible stewards of our environment. MERIWETHER ADVISORS – GENUINE RELATIONSHIPS. PROVEN RESULTS. David Rothrock, Principal david@mwaseattle.com 206-816-1572 Doug Barrett, Principal doug@mwaseattle.com 206-816-1579 Matt Brennan, Associate matt@mwaseattle.com 206-459-0782

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