WAC Magazine


Issue link: http://www.wacmagazine.com/i/1439376

Contents of this Issue


Page 21 of 67

22 WAC Magazine | wac.net living fit instructor insights E M I L I O H U E R TA S Instructor Insights Jaime Beenen, Aquatics Jaime Beenen (née Crow) began teaching aquatics in 2013 at the WAC aer falling in love with it when she taught as a substitute. Jaime's interest in fitness began at a young age through dancing, performing on the trapeze, completing obstacle courses, and eventually running marathons. "My family is all in the medical field, so I've always been interested in the body," she says. "I love seeing and testing what my body can do." While still teaching aquatics, Jaime joined the Club's ranks as a personal trainer in 2015. Two years later, a skydiving accident le Jaime a quadriplegic. Although the accident ended her personal training career, she successfully returned to teaching aquatics at the WAC. "I think teaching aquatics really helped me not go into the same depression that happens with a lot of people aer an accident like this," she says. "Being able to go back to work aer such a traumatic injury put a focus in my life. Teaching at the WAC was the first job I had aer the accident. It felt amazing to feel useful again and part of the workforce." In helping others stay active, Jaime finds her own motivation. "I love the people in my class," she says. "ey've become family over the years. It makes me feel great whenever I can help them."

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