WAC Magazine


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SEPTEMBER / OCTOBER 2021 7 WAC® MAGAZINE September / October 2021 Volume 40, Number 4 ISSN 1091-7985 Washington Athletic Club ® 1325 Sixth Ave. Seattle, WA 98101 206.622.7900 www.wac.net / magazine@wac.net 206.464.3084 / fax 206.464.1392 Subscription: $18 / Single copies: $3 Published five times annually. Periodicals postage paid at Seattle, WA. Executive Staff Chuck Nelson President & Chief Executive Officer cnelson@wac.net Michael O'Brien Chief Financial Officer mobrien@wac.net Wayne Milner Senior Vice President Athletics, Special Projects & Community Partners wmilner@wac.net Publisher: Chuck Nelson Director of Communications: Darrick Meneken Associate Editors: Mae Folsom Jacobson, Joey Carreon Designers: Alaina Buzas, Stephanie Ward, Emilio Huertas Marketing Project Manager & Creative Producer: Erin Danner For advertising information: Darrick Meneken 206.464.3084; dmeneken@wac.net Kirk Tourtillotte Varsity Communications Inc. kirk@varsitycommunications.com Peter Christian Vice President Food & Beverage pchristian@wac.net Wendall Smith Vice President Human Resources wsmith@wac.net Postmaster Send address changes to: Editor, WAC Magazine, P.O. Box 1709 Seattle, WA 98111-1709 WAC and Washington Athletic Club are registered trademarks of the Washington Athletic Club. Washington Athletic Club - Dedicated 1930 - Mission To enrich the quality of life of our members Vision To be the premier city athletic club in America Values Leadership, Excellence, Integrity, Service, and Sensitivity An eventful year We are in a time of transitions, throughout the world, city, and the WAC. Re-openings, re-engaging, finding our balance between old and new, former and now, always moving forward! We pick the best of how we used to do things and overlay with things we learned over the past 18 months and hopefully create a better life for ourselves and others. A common theme of this reflecting has been a desire for a holistic life of wellness and happiness, including a return to our communities. Social activities, health, self-care, and simply being around people we like, doing things that bring us joy, is what the Washington Athletic Club is all about. Please take advantage of the full range of WAC offerings: spa, fitness, great food and beverage, nutritional counseling, personal training, club events ... is Club is built to help you live your best life, now more than ever! e WAC is also transitioning. We began our new fiscal year on August 1. In this issue of WAC Magazine, we look back at an eventful year of achievement, adaptation and growth, a full 12 months under COVID's ample shadow, and we profile Jason Hamilton, your new Chairman of the WAC Board of Governors. Jason is a familiar face (and voice) in Seattle, but I am sure you will learn many new things about Chairman Hamilton. ank you to Gregg Blodgett for his strong leadership as 2020–2021 Chairman and to all the WAC's faithful membership for your support of the Club and its wonderful team members. Together, we move forward! See you soon, @cnhuskies13 Chuck Nelson President & CEO cnelson@wac.net Beliefs Statement At the WAC, we believe in our diverse, inclusive community. We believe that love and respect are stronger than hate. We believe that together is stronger than divided. We believe in Seattle.

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