WAC Magazine

Holidays 2013

Issue link: http://www.wacmagazine.com/i/218283

Contents of this Issue


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K. HALL DESIGNS POMEGRANATE COLLECTION A Screen-printed candle B Hand & body cream C Candle tin (20-hour) D Jar candle (60-hour) E Shea butter lotion F Natural body wash G Eau de parfum $16–$44 Pedestal bowl also available. B A D C E F G HO L I D AY w w w w w w G I FT GUIDE FARM BELLE & TEA FORTÉ A Jams and honey selection B Tea set C Warming Joy gift set D Winter Spice tea collection $4.25–$51 Ornaments also available. C F A B D 6 | Washington Athletic Club Magazine | HOLIDAYS 2013 2012

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